The Town of View Royal is creating a new Official Community Plan (OCP) to set the long-term vision for our community and how we will plan our future growth and development. View Royal 2050: Our Future View is our process to engage the community in meaningful conversations about the future of our town. The input we receive through the engagement process will inform the update of the OCP.
The updated OCP will address emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities. The Plan will also define our community’s values and priorities and establish goals, objectives, policies, and guidelines to guide the Town’s growth and development in the short, medium, and long term.
An OCP is a blueprint and will help define what we envision for View Royal over the next 20 years. As a key municipal document, it reflects community values and guides decisions on land use, housing, transportation, parks, environmental stewardship, economic development, and more.
The OCP is a living document, updated periodically to stay relevant as the community evolves and grows. View Royal’s last comprehensive OCP update was adopted in 2011. While the current OCP has served our community well, there are opportunities to further review what is working, what isn’t and what we need to do to prepare for our future needs and wants.
The Official Community Plan (OCP) update will unfold over three phases, starting in January 2025. Each phase will focus on key topics and include opportunities for public input, offered through in-person events and online engagement tools. This phased approach ensures a comprehensive process, balancing technical analysis with community feedback to guide the development of a vision and policies that reflect the needs and aspirations of View Royal residents.
An Official Community Plan Advisory Committee has been selected by Council to play a vital role in shaping the future of View Royal. This diverse group of community members will provide meaningful input and recommendations on a range of community issues related to the creation of an updated OCP, ensuring the plan reflects the values, priorities, and aspirations of residents.
Role of the OCP Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee contributes by:
- Sharing community perspectives and insights.
- Participating in consultation activities
- Providing feedback on draft materials and engagement activities.
- Advising on key priorities, issues, and opportunities.
While the committee doesn’t make decisions, their guidance is instrumental in shaping our new OCP.
OCP Advisory Committee Meetings
The OCP Advisory Committee will meet at key milestones during the update process. All committee meetings are open to the public and will be advertised through our social media channels, the Town’s Events page, and in the Upcoming Events section of the View Royal 2050 project website.
Selection Process
Members were selected through an open application process based on their interest in View Royal’s future; skills, experience and knowledge; and their ability to bring diverse perspectives. The application process was open from October 23 to November 22, 2024.
View Royal’s Official Community Plan is shaped by its residents. We want to hear your thoughts and ideas! As we explore how we want View Royal to evolve over the next 20 years your input will inform the development of the draft Official Community Plan updates, as well as Council’s decision-making as they consider proposed updates.
Stay Informed
Engage View Royal is the best source of information for all things related to View Royal 2050. We encourage you to register as a user of the site. It only takes a minute, and once you’re registered you’ll be able to share your ideas and provide feedback. You’ll also be able to receive project updates when key milestones are achieved and notifications inviting you to participate in upcoming engagement opportunities.
Vision and Guiding Principles Survey
Question and Answer
Do you have a question about the OCP or the process we are undertaking to update our OCP? Leave it here and we will provide a response within 3 business days.