The Town of View Royal is exploring new ways of engaging residents and wants to hear from you about what you’re most interested in and how you like to provide input on community matters.

In 2024 and 2025, the Town will be developing a Community Engagement Strategy and reviewing the Town's 2011 Official Community Plan. We want to ensure that the way we engage on these two projects is inclusive and accessible, meets your needs, and reaches all neighbourhoods across the community.

Public engagement refers to the process of involving the public in decision-making processes, policy development, planning initiatives, or other activities that affect the community. The gathering of ideas, feedback, and input from a diverse range of perspectives ensures that decisions are informed by the needs, preferences, and values of the broad public.

It can take various forms, such as surveys, town hall meetings, focus groups, online forums, neighbourhood pop-ups, and collaborative workshops.

Public engagement done well, helps build trust, transparency, and accountability between decision-makers and the community by fostering open communication and active participation.

In 2024, the Town endorsed the International Association of Public Participation’s seven core values and spectrum of public participation. It is widely used by local governments in BC and across North America to inform public engagement opportunities and approaches.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Community Engagement Survey that ran from July 15 to September 1, 2024. Results of the survey will help inform the Town's future public engagement on the Official Community Plan, master plans (e.g. Transportation Master Plan, Parks and Trails Master Plan, etc.), and various Town projects (e.g. playground replacement, Off-street Parking Review, Housing Strategy, etc.). Staff will report back to Council in early Fall 2024.