The Town of View Royal is creating a new Official Community Plan (OCP) to set the long-term vision for our community and how we will plan our future growth and development. View Royal 2050: Our Future View is our process to engage the community in meaningful conversations about the future of our town. The input we receive through the engagement process will inform the update of the OCP.

The updated OCP will address emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities. The Plan will also define our community’s values and priorities and establish goals, objectives, policies, and guidelines to guide the Town’s growth and development in the short, medium, and long term.

An OCP is a plan that helps shape how View Royal will grow and change over the next 20 years. It’s like a big map that shows where homes, parks, roads, and businesses should go.

The plan is updated from time to time to make sure it still fits what the community needs. View Royal’s last big update was in 2011. Now, it’s time to check what’s working, what’s not, and what changes we need to make for the future.

The OCP update will happen in three steps, starting in January 2025. Each step will focus on important topics and give people a chance to share their ideas at events and online. This process helps make sure the plan is well thought out, using both expert research and community input to create a vision that matches what View Royal residents want and need.